Fishing Glossary A

A.C. Plug – A brand name of a large trout-imitating, jointed topwater lure made of wood.

acidity – The degree of sourness of a usually water soluble substance. Acidity is measured in pH, with 7 being neutral and 2 being a strong acid.

action – Measure of rod performance ranging from slow to fast and describes the elapse time from when the rod is flexed to when it returns to its straight configuration. Also refers to the strength of the rod, light, medium and heavy, with light being a limber rod and heavy a stout rod.

active fish – Fish that are feeding heavily and striking aggressively.

adipose fin – On some species, the fatty fin located between the dorsal and tail fin.

air bladder – A gas-filled sac in the upper part of the body cavity of many bony fishes. It is located just beneath the vertebral column; its principal function is to offset the weight of the heavier tissue such as bone.

algae – Simple plant organism (typically a single cell) commonly found in water.

alkalinity – Measure of the amount of acid neutralizing bases.

amur – A member of the carp family found in China’s Amur River. Commonly called a white amur or grass carp. These fish are highly effective weed eaters and are stocked to control nuisance weeds and algae. They can weigh up to 47 pounds.

anal fin – The unpaired fin that lies along the midline of the body beneath the anus, usually on the back half of the fish.

anchovy or anchovies – A species of  4- to 8-inch baitfish found in the ocean that is also a popular bait used for striped bass at places like Lake Powell, Lake Mead, Lake Mohave and Lake Pleasant but can be used for catfish as well.

angler – Person using a fishing pole or rod and reel to catch fish.

angleworm – Any live earthworm placed on a fishing hook.

angling – Usually refers to the recreational catching of fish (sport-fishing) by hook and line.

anti-reverse – System that prevents reels (typically bait casters) from spinning in reverse and causing tangles.

Apache trout – One of Arizona’s two native trout species. Body color is yellowish-gold, with dark, bold spots on dorsal and tail fin, and sparse body spotting that may extend below the lateral line. Purebred Apache trout are only found in the White Mountains of east-central Arizona. Although they are listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act, it is legal to fish for them in certain prescribed waters.

artificial lures and flies – Means man-made devices intended as visual attractants for fish and does not include living or dead organisms or edible parts thereof, natural or prepared food stuffs, artificial salmon eggs, artificial corn, or artificial marshmallows.

attractant – Liquid, solid or power form of scent applied to fishing lures for increased productivity.

by Stuart Fishing Supplies